Wednesday 20 January 2016

Level Design

The above sketches are initial ideas for the layout and were also a way for me to practice drawing this kind of design. I haven't done a huge amount of level design before so I was trying to figure the process out. To help with that I read this post, which is a guide to designing platformer levels.

I then drew out a more detailed level map and was able to get feedback on things like the length and placement of hazards.

And this is pretty much the final design, obviously things will change slightly once it's in engine but this is about what we're going for. I'm very happy with it considering this entire process has been me learning how to design 2D levels, It could be more complex but it's a good first attempt.

I also did these sketches to get a feel for how the background/level will look, the bottom left is the closest to what we're going with style-wise

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