Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Dragon animations - YAZZ

Here is a final design of our dragon :) hes mor of a fatherly figure and is trying to find his babies. I animated him running and tried to make him seem front heavy using a lot of motions and frames.

I had never animated before so a lot of research and reference was required.

Colouring the dragon, frame by frame. 

In the game you have the option to "fly" for a short amount of time, gliding past traps and other obstacles. 

Idle pose

This animation was intended to be in the game but was sadly removed due to Unity being faulty and not enough time to fix it. Either way the game runs just as good without it.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Finishing Touches

Cameron asked me to redo the game's main menu screen so that it matched the style of the rest of the game. This is the original image that he made.

And this is my repaint of it, I kept the composition broadly the same, and used the same painting process that I've used for the environment assets, with an additional overlay layer to deepen some of the shadows. I'm pretty happy with how it looks, although the drawing style for the trees has restricted how much depth the image has, but I'm not sure how to fix that and keep within the style of the game.

I also made these icons for the UI, again to help keep everything consistent looking.

Animation in Game

Here is the animation of our dragon. Ive made it so the dragon will act idle when ... idle. He will fly only when space is being held and run when left or right is being held, he also flips axis when facing left or right.



